It’s okay not to be okay

I'm on my period and I'm having a moment of weakness and this is totally okay. I feel insecure and shit and gross but it's okay. I'm upset over a boy I've known for a week and it's okay. I'm upset I cut my fringe too short and it's okay. I'm upset about how a friend spoke to me on holiday in and it's OKAY. I'm allowed to be weak. People are ALLOWED to be weak. I still know I'm a bad bitch, but even bad bitches have their off days. Do you think Nicki Minaj wrote "Did It On Em" without having people who brought her down and made her feel worthless? I'm sick of the culture that exaggerates "positive vibes only". For there to be positives there needs to be negatives. How would you be able to identify the good without first seeing the bad? Lately I've seen so much utter bullshit about what it takes to be a "strong independent female", but you have to realise it's OKAY to be weak. It's OKAY to sometimes feel dependant on someone. It's OKAY if you are still learning to love yourself and if you seek validation either from Tinder, Instagram, your co-workers, that guy that sits behind you in your 9:30 lecture. No one is suddenly born perfect! It takes time! Don't let anyone make you feel shitty about feeling shitty! There is SO much you don't know about other people's lives and SO much we don't know about the human condition. All I know is that each day I'm learning new things about myself and the world around me, and although one day I might feel like I have my life together, I'll come across a situation that will teach me so much more than I thought I could know. ALSO it is totally okay to admit that sometimes you are the problem! Sometimes we are the toxic ones! I know for sure I’ve had my toxic moments. We have all done things we aren't proud of and we shouldn't hold ourselves to such high standards. I was the reason a boy once ghosted me and another boy probably didn't want a relationship with ME rather than not being ready for one in general and THAT'S OKAY. It's SO important to self evaluate and be able to recognise your strengths and weaknesses. From this I would like to conclude that bad bitches can also be sad bitches, it's all part of the process baby. 


being single in iso


the graduate